adminPG Unkategorisiert 26. November 2020 This year 2020 has undoubtedly presented you – like all of us – with quite a few mountains to climb: challenges that we have to overcome so that the path continues. We have heard from very many Vitalizer friends that they were able to walk that path more easily with the support of their Vitalizer. And because we have read and heard about so many positive experiences, we have given a lot of thought to how we can give this difficult year a good and positive ending. How can we make an additional contribution to society? We have now made a decision: for you, dear customers and interested parties, and as a social commitment, we are planning a „2020 Vitarights campaign with a heart“. With our action, we want to think about people who are not as well off as we are. To this end, we are launching a fundraising campaign entitled „Vitarights – campaign with a heart“ and have decided to support the project HORIZONT e. V. – organised by the actress Jutta Speidel. Through this campaign, we are aiming to help children in need and their mothers without a roof over their heads. Our idea was accepted with great gratitude by HORIZONT e. V. and they are already looking forward to our visit. Please read the information about HORIZONT e. V. We are sure you will be just as moved as we are: Kind regards, Yours, Zorica Ebach, Yours, Felix Stürken, Yours, Christian Carlen - Share on Facebook Share on X
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