With unique concepts for a professionally successful future

Get started now!

Vitarights makes it possible with great products and a motivated team.


Generate your income in the health sector as a Vitarights consultant


We want to help people all over the world to take their health and quality of life in their own hands. 


We bring together knowledge 

from different disciplines.

Is it possible to reconcile a high interest in health, personal responsibility, a better quality of life for oneself and others, earning money and doing something meaningful at the same time? Absolutely! This is exactly what Vitarights Innovations makes possible.

The list of health challenges for us humans is long. On it, you will find, among other things: burn-out, stress, other psychological burdens, viral illnesses, allergies, intolerances, chronic diseases, effects of electrosmog or lack of energy. It is therefore not surprising that interest in topics related to our health (or that of our animals) is high. In fact, just enter the search term "health" into Google. Are you surprised? You find millions of search results. You can narrow down the search by typing “healthy life”. Fewer results, but still a few million. [1] This does not surprise us at Vitarights. These results are in line with our experience from the last few years: people take care of their health, take responsibility, and no longer leave everything to someone else. They inform themselves and demand transparency. For their own health and quality of life, for that of their family and their environment. 

It is also fitting that we are currently in the sixth Kondratieff: Health is becoming an economic power. [2] A Kondratieff, according to Nikolai Kondratieff's theory, refers to the cyclical development of the economy, which proceeds in waves. Counting to such developments are the railway and the car i.e. A wave begins with a paradigm shift (change from one basic scientific view to another view) and the associated investments. Therefore, we at Vitarights Innovations are in an economically emerging sector with the field of information medicine.

[1] Google, search terms "health" and "taking health into your own hands", accessed February 2021

[2] Deutsches Ärzteblatt 17/1997, "Gesundheit wird zu einer wirtschaftlichen Macht", accessed 18.01.2021 

Become a Vitarights consultant

Get other people excited about Vitarights concepts and Vitarights products. Your task? To demonstrate the products and concepts and look after your customers. We will provide you with everything you need and what you need to know.

You are in exactly the right place with us if you

... like working with people

…. are interested in reversing health matters

... appreciate working independently and under your own responsibility

Support from Vitarights Innovations: 

training and knowledge 

In our Vitarights Academy, we carefully prepare you for your work as a Vitarights consultant. Product info, marketing, sales, personal development. 

Launch programmes

Vitarights consultant


Webinars, video and telephone conferences

On-the-job training: workshop and customer care

Basis for success

In fact, an all-round carefree package that will help you start well prepared: 

Team and info portal 

Knowledge database

Presentation videos for workshops over Zoom

Concept for customer acquisition

Service from Vitarights: Organisation

Inspiration. Advice. Support.

That's exactly what you will do as a Vitarights consultant.  So that you can concentrate fully on this,  we will take care of all the organisational details for you.


Materials for sharing 


You also get support within the team when you need it. You have the opportunity to share experiences and thus learn and benefit from each other. We support each other and celebrate successes together.

Earning with Vitarights: bonuses and fees

With us, commitment and performance are rewarded.

Attractive commission plan

This means that you have your income in your own hands. 

Free partnership 

No registration or licensing costs 

Free use of our portals

Team portal, knowledge database 

Our products and concepts work - as shown by more than 30,000 customers.


By people - With people - For people

We look forward to meeting you in person. Start your way as a Vitarights consultant in Germany and Austria.

What our Vi-consultants say

Myriam Hülsmann

Team leader

To recommend the Vitalizer to other people, to offer them a higher personal well-being and thus quality of life at the push of a button, is simply beautiful. Supporting the Vitarights vision "One Vitalizer in every household" with this great and motivated team brings me a lot of joy. For anyone who wants to, Vitarights offers wonderful opportunities to get involved, build a team and help make Vitalizer benefit people everywhere.

Ljiljana Valencic

Team manager

Regeneration therapist

Do something useful and generate a good income! I love working with and for Vitarights, because Vitarights Innovations not only offers great career opportunities, but is also a company with heart and high values, always supporting its partners with training, knowledge and personal development. 

Michael Urban

Team leader

What I particularly like is that I can find people a job through Vitarights. I can help you build your own business with a great product to help other people in turn, so they can feel better and achieve financial independence.

Annett Jakob

Team leader

A team of motivated, warm people, many grateful, happy users and really good earning potential. After 20 years of self-employment with 50 hours a week in the trade, I now enjoy the balance between work and family time. Thank you Vitarights!

Johannes Meyer-Ahrens

Team leader

I like being a Vitarights partner because the Vitalizer is just brilliant!

Marlies Graack

Team leader

The "people-to-people" marketing based on trust and togetherness had inspired and moved me for many years. Vitarights, with its exceptional product Made in Germany, as well as the support for us partners and the career opportunities, offers exactly the platform that people need who want to make a difference in the world. Here, humanity is combined with business in a special way.

Become part of our team as a certified Vitarights partner

The first step is a personal conversation or a phone call. We will answer all your questions. Simply get in touch with us by phone or e-mail.

+49 (0) 2131 38785-22






2020 - 2022 — all rights reserved

Lesen Sie hier einen Auszug aus der

Untersuchung von Hagalis. Es geht um Wasser, Qualität, Elektrosmog und die Bioverfügbarkeit von Mineralien.

Eine Untersuchung des Instituts Hagalis belegt, dass durch die Vitalisierung die Ordnungsqualität des Wassers signifikant zunimmt. Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Schluss: „Die Kristallisation in dieser Untersuchung ist recht regelmäßig ausgebildet und zeigt eine vollflächige Verteilung im Bildbereich. Während bei der Neutralprobe eine starke Konzentration im Randbereich des Bildes von 90° Winkelstrukturen und verdichteten Kristallen wahrzunehmen war, ist bei der hier untersuchten Probe eine wesentlich regelmäßigere Verteilung zu erkennen, die keinerlei Verdichtungszonen in größerem Maße aufweist. Erstaunlicherweise sind die 90° Winkelstrukturen und vor allem die Gitterstrukturen im Randbereich nicht mehr in dem Maße vorhanden, so dass davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass die Probe kaum mehr eine Elektrosmogbelastung aufweist. Offensichtlich ist es durch das Verfahren gelungen, die verschiedenen negativen Einflüsse von der elektromagnetischen Strahlung weitgehend zu neutralisieren und die Probe zu regenerieren. […] In jedem Falle ist aber auch die Bioverfügbarkeit der Mineralien gestiegen, die in diesem Falle durch eine größere Oberflächenbildung für den Verbraucher vorteilhaft erscheint. Mineralien, die eine gute Löslichkeit aufweisen und eine hohe Oberflächenbildung haben, können vom menschlichen Stoffwechsel wesentlich besser resorbiert und in den Organismus eingebaut werden. Dies bedeutet, dass das Wasser in jedem Falle sich regenerieren konnte und in seiner Eigenschaft als Nahrungsmittel eher geeignet ist, als die Neutralprobe.“

Institut Hagalis AG: Kristallanalyse, Vergleichsstudie: Wasserqualität. Überlingen 1.10.2002. Zum Wasser als Informationsträger vgl. Ludwig, Wolfgang, Albrecht, Hans-Jürgen: Wasser und Homöopathie. Die Bedeutung der Wasserstruktur als Träger von Informationen. Eine Forschungsbasis für die Homöopathie. Großheubach 2002. Kröplin, Bernd, Henschel, Regine C.: Die Geheimnisse des Wassers: Neueste erstaunliche Ergebnisse aus der Wasserforschung. Aarau 2016.